The Ultimate Guide: How Publishers Can Join the Apple News App

  1. Enroll in the Apple developers program
  2. Enable iTunes content with your Developer I
  3. Upload logo
  4. Choose how to publish: RSS or Apple News
  5. Choose article creation method
  6. Submit sample content
  7. Publish articles
  8. Monetize with Apple iAd

What is Apple News?

If you publish content that can be considered news, you should already be familiar with Google News. We’ve written an extensive guide to Google News and how to

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get on it, and why you really should. If you can, that is.


In fall 2015,

This publishing platform aims to bring personalized news and content to iOS users while combining the source brand look with the sleek Apple design. Obviously, the monetization engine is Apple’s own iAd, so far utilized mostly by iOS app developers for app monetization.

The news about Apple News

Apple So now the news publisher platform in the Apple News format is open to everyone. Yes, even you, and it’s free to join.

So before we tell you how to get your posts on that feed and in front of 80 million eyes (that’s 40 million pairs, in case you were wondering), let’s talk about whether you should even bother to invest the time and effort.


The Good, The Bad and the Potential

Google did it with YouTube, Facebook recently introduced Instant Articles, and Amazon carried its power in the book market into the digital world with eBooks and self-publishing. So it’s no wonder Apple wants to get on the wagon and keep content close to the corporate brand chest like everyone else on the field.

However, some of the premium publishers who were the early adopters of Apple’s News format and platform weren’t shy about their disappointment from the system. Some publishers also reported poor fill rates with iAd on News.

Since then Apple launched a new analytics dashboard for publishers, but it’s clear that it’ll take quite a bit of audience education to get people to opt for the Apple News.

(Use Apple News or Ronda Rousey will punch you!)